Friday, January 30, 2009

Penultimate stop - San Francisco

Hello all. Here we are in San Francisco, our second last stop of the tour.

We have finally hit some weather that pleases Connie enough to remove her thermals. Yes it was a very nice 15 degrees today as we toured the city on our tour bus followed up by a night tour of the famous Alcatraz Island.

San Francisco is a really nice town though a quarter of it's inhabitants are gay, apparently. NOT that there's anything wrong with that. Very expensive to live in and around the city. Average house prices, if can find one for sale is US$700,000. The recession does not seem to have hit this city much at all so far.

We pretty well got through the mandatory sights and as usual, the girls did their fair share of shopping. We also caught up with some relatives on my dad's side who were very nice and even treated us to dinner at a Thai Restaurant. Thanks to John and Janette for taking some time out to "chew the fat" with you Australia cousins.

Here are some more photos that we hope you enjoy. One more stop and then we get on the big bird home.

San Francisco

Bye for now.

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