Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Message for Monica and James Ward

Hey Guys,

Spent a night with Gerry and Joanna. They were awesome and we went to dinner at La Scarpetta which is where I understand they took you guys almost a year ago to the day. Gerry is a blast and we could have spent heaps more time with both of them as they made us feel so comfortable. When you catch up with them next, ask how many Balloch's there are in the UK? He will tell you a funny story.....

We took a couple of video messages (although it was a bit dark in the restaurant) and have posted them here for you.

Gerry and Joanna

Bye for now from Frank and family.


Silvana said...

Howdy! Thanks for the updates! We enjoy having a look at where you are and what you are up to! Frank, don't worry about Saffi putting on weight here, I think you have put on a couple yourself! I just wanted to drop you a line that tomorrow we are heading off to our yearly sojourn to Mooloolaba - where we will be experiencing 30+ degrees temperatures and enjoying the beach and sunshine! So different to what you guys are at!!! Keep the blogs coming ... we miss you and are thinking of you often!

Dean(oh god I lost the Dog) said...
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Dean(oh god I lost the Dog) said...

Hey All , I'd watch that Silvana I've had to go over to your house several times to keep and eye on her,I think she has been wearing your cloths Frank, and dont worry yours are too small for me Connie. I also offered to look after Saffi but for some reason she declined!!! Remember Connie 2 paires of socks with an air pocket... Look like you are all having fun, the snow on the mountains looks great. Backup seems to be working ok and all the other jobs are done.