Saturday, December 13, 2008

Au revoir from Parise.

The time has come my friends for us to move on yet again.
Today we farewell Paris and head off to Switzerland to Interlaken where we may even get in a little skiing if mummy bear lets us.

Our last night in Paris was spent trying snails. Well most of us did. Mummy bear wasn't having any part of that no matter how much we tried to encourage her. The hardest part was getting the damn little buggers out of the shells. Then the mental challenge and viola.... snails alla pesto. I will post the video and photos once we get to Interlaken. Busy packing for the taxi that comes in about 30 minutes.

Bye for now.

Frank and family.


Silvana said...

I have only one thing to say .... (gag!) ... I don't blame Mama Bear one bit!

Grace said...

eww snails!
i'd try them thought, just to say i'd done it haha.
however, i dont really blame you connie :P