Friday, November 28, 2008

Leaving Aberdeen.

Hey Everyone!

Just a quick update of where we are and where we are heading.  We are currently in Aberdeen and about to head west very soon (Fiona is just giving us some brief directions to Fort William - our next destination).  It hit minus 3 degrees this morning and we had to scrape ice off our front and rear car windows.  It hasn't been as cold as we first anticipated however in saying that, our feather down jackets have been the best investment of the trip so far (the second best investment will be the shoes Mum and I buy in Italy - that's right, be jealous!!)

Anyway, heading off now, making our way down to Fort William.  The trip is approximately three to three and a half hours.  A big hello from everyone here, hope everyone is safe and well.

Thank you very much Fiona for being an awesome guide.

Love Tessa

1 comment:

Silvana said...

Hhmmmm ..... jealousy is not strong enough a word! Just when I thought MY day was good!!

The weather here is pretty warm and humid - typical summer's day in Ozzieland! It is hard to imagine how cold it is there.

Make sure to take heaps of photos.

Big hello to everyone ...

Zia Silvana