Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tibrogargon Training

In preparation for the grueling timetable anticipated for the Valenti World Tour, Connie and I decided to do some training by climbing Mt Tibrogargon on the Exhibition holiday.

With the best of intentions and plenty of water in the backpack, off we went at 08:00. We were doing fine, even if the slope was a bit of a struggle, for Connie.... Then we came to the vertical climb, well near vertical. Connie gave it a go but it was just a bit too scary so we turned around and did the base circuit which took us about 40 minutes.

It wasn't too cold and after about 10 minutes, jumpers were removed and it was very pleasant.

Highlight of the trek was coming across the long lost mythical "Bridge of Terabithia" and of course there is the mandatory close up of that lovely flower included in the gallery. Trust you enjoy the pictures and stay tuned for next installment.

(Click on photo to see the album)

Tibrogargan Climb



Unknown said...

Works very well! I presume the "bridge" name is from WOW.


Silvana said...

Looks great .... it must have taken quite a bit of effort to get that up and running. Looking forward to the next instalment!

Gabriel said...

Slivana Bannana